fredag 23. november 2018

Vitamin k3

Vitamin K (kinon) er et fettløselig vitamin som finnes i former. Vitamin K er nødvendig for at blodet skal koagulere (levre seg). Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays important role in blood clotting and building strong bones.

Bokstaven K står for koagulasjon (blodstørkning). Vitaminet ble oppdaget av den danske biokjemikeren Henrik Dam, som fikk . Vitamin K is a group of structurally similar, fat-soluble vitamins the human body requires for complete synthesis of certain proteins that are prerequisites for blood . Vitamin K er nødvendig for at blodet skal kunne levre seg. Nyfødte får en sprøyte med vitamin K rett etter fødselen for å minske risikoen for blødninger. Vitamin K plays a key role in helping the blood clot, preventing excessive bleeding.

If you've read about vitamins A, B, C, and E, you might feel like we've missed a few vitamins as we jump over to vitamin K. New research confirms that vitamin K can slash the risk of arterial calcification, coronary heart disease, cancer, type II diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Vitamin K functions as a cofactor for the enzyme, γ-glutamylcarboxylase (GGCX), which catalyzes the carboxylation of the amino acid glutamic acid (Glu) to . Weil provides comprehensive information on vitamin K and other health, lifestyle and vitamin topics. Vitamin K is an essential vitamin required for protein modification and blood clotting.

Recent studies suggest that vitamin K may play a role in treating . Vitamin K plays a vital role in healthy skin and hair, strong bones, heart health and cancer prevention.

Vitamin K,” the generic name for a family of compounds with a common chemical structure of 2-methyl-4-naphthoquinone, is a fat-soluble vitamin that is . Vitamin K is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy. It's important for blood clotting and healthy bones and also has other functions in the . Vitamin K was first discovered in the early 1930s by the Danish biochemist Henrik Dam who observed – while studying cholesterol metabolism in chickens – that . Designed to help you locate the chemicals and kits you nee the Bioactive Nutrient Explorer allows you to search for plants containing specific chemicals or . Vitamin K er navnet på en stor gruppe kjemiske stoffer som har en rekke funksjoner spesielt relatert til blodlevring (koagulering), beinvev, . Vitamin K has several important functions. For example, it's needed for blood clotting, which means it helps wounds to heal properly.

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, so your body stores it in fat tissue and the liver. It is best known for its role in helping blood clot, or coagulate, . Vitamin K commonly refers to a group of five structurally similar fat-soluble vitamins. Only two of the five types of vitamin K occur naturally.

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